Beneath the Surface: Photoshoot Madness

Episode 32 //
Photoshoot Madness

Welcome to the thirty-second installment of BOTE’s Beneath The Surface. From 3:00 am alarms, multiple locations and everything we make, the BOTE photoshoots are anything but easy. Corey and Sean sit down to discuss the challenges and the victories of our latest brand shoot.

Coming at you direct, from the middle of nowhere, to the center of everywhere.

Collection of BOTE boards
Getting gear out of the BOTE truck

Setting the tone
Tying up the BOTE Boards
The guys looking over the pictures
Boy wearing a BOTE hat

Guy sitting in a BOTE Aero Chair
Taking notes
Wading through the swamp
Corey leaning on KULA coolers

Girl washing off with slingpack
Neck Gaiter
Guy riding a wave
Boy finds a fish